What are your Favorite Hand Quilting Resources?

(Please note that affiliate links have been used in this post.)

Hand Quilting resources, modern hand quilting, Pearle Thread Antique Blue Size 12

I have a vision, friends.

I finished this half-square triangle quilt a couple weeks ago, and I want to hand quilt it to finish it.

When evening rolls around in our home, we’ve been finding ourselves in the living room reading books. My husband reads aloud to our three boys who are 5, 3, and 1. (Sometimes the one year old ends up playing.) I love this time together.

Instead of sitting in my bedroom with my sewing machine, I want to be present with my family! Plus, missing entire chapters in the books leaves gaps in the stories for me. I love sitting in the rocking chair hand stitching while listening. I’d really enjoy having an ongoing project.

I also love the individuality within a quilt when it’s hand stitched. It’s kind of like leaving your own signature on a quilt.

Hand Quilting resources, modern hand quilting, Pearle Thread Antique Blue Size 12

I’ve never hand quilted an entire quilt. Am I in over my head? What’s your experience? And, more importantly, what are your favorite resources and tutorials for hand quilting?

I have an oval hoop. I found it at Salvation Army, and it has sat in the corner of my sewing room for over a year. I’ve done a bit of hand quilting with Pearle Thread on small projects. I really like the chunky looking thread. The blue I have in the picture above is size 12. It’s a bit smaller than the black thread I used in these stockings.

I’ve learned that the smaller the number, the thicker the thread. In other words, a size 5 is a thicker and bigger thread than a size 12.

Hand Quilting resources, modern hand quilting, Pearle Thread Antique Blue Size 12

My quilt top is cotton quilting fabric mixed with lots of Art Gallery Fabrics denim. I bought Pearle Thread, size 12, in Antique Blue. I have a rather large hoop with stands. So I can sit in a chair and my legs will fit under the hoop kind of like a TV tray.

Since the entire quilt is five inch half square triangles, there are lots of seams.

The backing I bought is Kaufman’s Essex yarn dyed linen chambray in homespun. It’s a beautiful textured fabric.

Hand Quilting resources, modern hand quilting, Pearle Thread Antique Blue Size 12


A few questions.

Will the linen on the back affect the hand quilting? Will it make it more difficult?

What is your favorite thimble? I bought one a while ago, but I didn’t realize thimbles came in different sizes. The one I bought is way too big for my finger.

Hand Quilting resources, modern hand quilting, Pearle Thread Antique Blue Size 12

Mary at Sunny Day Supply was one of my first inspirations to learn a bit more about hand quilting.

This video tutorial by Suzy Quilts has been VERY informative. It’s tempting to try quilting without the cumbersome hoop. Hhhmm. If you have little exposure and direction to hand quilting, like myself, I recommend watching Suzy’s.

Stitch and a Bundle is also another quilter inspiring great hand stitching.

I practiced a bit on a new pillow cover this week.

Scrappy Log Cabin Block, Hand quilting white Pearle Thread size 12

Sewing an 18 by 18 inch pillow cover is so different, though, than managing and finagling a full sized quilt. I’m trying to get comfortable with a needle and thread in my hands. I’m working a bit on a consistent stitch, but I assume that will get better with time and practice.

Scrappy Log Cabin Block, Hand quilting white Pearle Thread size 12

Send me an email or comment below with your favorite hand quilting videos or tutorials. I need to spend a bit more time watching and learning before I dive in. I’d really enjoy knowing what has helped you the most.

Quilting is such a creative journey for me…always learning new techniques and being inspired by others. Thanks for following along and helping me out. 🙂

Hand Quilting resources, modern hand quilting, Pearle Thread Antique Blue Size 12

8 thoughts on “What are your Favorite Hand Quilting Resources?

  1. For even stitching, I mark my left index finger with the stitch length and use it as a ruler (but don’t use a marker that isn’t washable). Also, stitching in the ditch is hard for hand sewing; try sewing a quarter inch away from your seams.

  2. I hand quilt all my quilts. My mother was a quilter and there is just something special about hand quilting. I love the machine quilting but in my mind that’s a different skill. I use templates to outline my design but if straight line quilting I use masking tape and stitch along the edge. I use colorful threads for accent.

  3. I hand quilted a very small wall hanging…turned out ok…I’m not very good at it but I wanted to try. However I’ve gotten pretty good at hand binding, it all takes practice… your quilts are lovely, I’m subscribing!!

    1. Hi Kathy, I understand how hand quilting takes time and practice. As I’m stitching, it’s often easy for me to see all the wobbly stitching, but once it’s done, I don’t notice the unevenness as much…as long as I don’t look for it!

    1. Hi Lynne, I love your memory of your two year old crawling under you quilt and sleeping at your feet. My three year old crawls under it in the evenings when I’m stitching away too. Thanks for passing along a link to your favorite thimble! 🙂

  4. I like using a bit longer needle and I use glue (spray) to baste my quilts I am hand doing… I like different thimbles but have been favoring the clover half silicone ones… But hands down the needle pullers gippers are the best. They saves so much wear on your fingers. Best wishes with your quilt! 💕

    1. Hi Tammy, I’m so thankful you mentioned the needle grippers. I’m using the gripper a LOT as I started this quilt. I’m glad I’m not the only one who has to use one. I will need to experiment with different maybe larger needles. Thanks so much for your tips! I’m learning so much right now.

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