The other night my husband and I were sitting around the dinner table with five other couples. We were all simply discussing where we want to live in retirement. What’s our dream? What huge plans are we striving for in the coming years?
The responses spanned quite a variety from not changing anything to traveling around the world in an RV. It was a fun question. While we listened to the others, I quietly whispered to my husband that I just want to grow up to be Tasha Tudor.

Have you ‘met’ this delightful lady who illustrated many many children’s books during her life?
(By the way, my husband quietly told me not to say that I want to be like Tasha Tudor in retirement. Others may think that to be odd.)
But the truth is, her life is immensely appealing to me. Almost everything you see here on this website is a fabric and quilts, but this post is one of the few that gives you a bit more of a glimpse into me. Me as a person.

I read this book about Tasha Tudor this month. It’s called Tasha Tudor’s Heirloom Crafts. My sister gave it to me for a Christmas gift. It was perfect.
Tasha tells the story of when she grew a shirt. Yes. She planted the flax and spun it into linen. Is that not amazing?
I figured I should pass along her book for others needing some inspiration and creativity in their life.

And you may begin pausing every time you scroll through a rug loom on Facebook Marketplace like I do.
I should go now. If I’m going to be Tasha Tudor, I have lots to learn. Homemade pies. Cottage gardening. Marionettes. Sewing my clothes. Spinning yarn.