Well friends. My usual process involves buying fabric. Then I post pictures on Instagram and the blog about my new fabric. Then I make a quilt or pillow cover for our home out of the fabric. Then I post about that on Instagram and the blog. Then I make a pillow cover for my Etsy Shop. Then I post about the new pillow cover for sale on Instagram. I wait a couple days and then put up a blog post about the new pillow covers in my shop.
This time, though, the pillow covers sold out within a couple of hours after I posted on Instagram. They’re all gone. My usual process was interrupted, and I was void of my typical Sunday / Monday blog post this last week. I didn’t have any pillow covers to post about. It’s amazing how a quick sale threw such a wrench in my routine.

So now that I’ve revealed all my tip top business strategies above, I’ll leave you with a bit of triangle pillow inspiration. And in all seriousness, it was fun to sell three pillow covers in just a couple of hours. That’s usually not the case for me.
I have plenty more of this fabric, though, and I will be making more pillows for my shop. It will likely be a couple weeks until they are ready since we have a couple crazy weeks ahead of listing our current home and moving soon to our new home.

So what are all of these gorgeous fabrics, and how come they work so well together?
I purchased these fabrics as a bundle, and all the details are in this post: Then Came June Basics Bundle.
This bundle is FULL of texture. It’s a bit different than my usual conglomeration of florals and other random prints, but I love this bundle. I liked it so much I purchased a second bundle of it. First time for everything! (I’ve never purchased the same bundle twice.)

My points are definitely not perfect on my patchwork triangles, but I’m getting better. It is finally clicking how the staggering works and how to fix it when my seams aren’t a perfect quarter of an inch. It’s taken me a while, but I’m able to wrap my mind around them now.

Plus, I PURCHASED A SERGER. This was a game changer for me. I shaved quite a bit of time off of making pillow covers with that purchase. I’ll give you details later, but my pillows are better quality now.

And, like I’ve posted about a lot lately, these are hand quilted. I machine piece them, but I am still highly drawn to the hand quilting these days. I can’t get enough of it, and it’s the perfect project to work on while I hold a sleeping baby on my lap.