(Please note that affiliate links have been used in this post.)
I ordered this, I believe, back in January. It kind of felt like endless delays waiting almost ten months to get it, but I love it. This is the third Heirloom fabric line by Alexia Marcelle Abegg, and I have grand ideas for my Etsy Shop with this bundle. Pillow are coming in time for Christmas.
(I also noticed Fat Quarter Shop has a good amount of this line is stock currently.)
But first, the fabric is beautiful. I love it’s scrappiness. I would never ever pair purple and red together, but in this line, it’s lovely.

Because the combinations are so fun and inviting, I’ll show you them first. Then I’ll break down the different colorways.

I haven’t decided yet if the colors speak more summer or fall, but I’d consider them warm and inviting. I appreciate the balance of low volume and more saturation colors. Like I mentioned above, I’d never put this combination of colors together, but I think they work so well all mixed up.

The various colorways are pretty, but goodness, the entire line loses a bit of interest for me when they’re separated out like the above three pictures. It’s beautiful fabric, though, my friends. Is anyone else enjoying the Heirloom lines over the last year (maybe two years)? I hear there is another one still coming.
I will be pairing this fabric with Alexia Marcelle Abegg’s Golden Hour and Heirlooms Wovens for the pillows! I can’t wait to see them all cut up and put back together!